Sunday, December 13, 2009

Step 2

Step 2
Originally uploaded by dima.barashkov
Set up simple solving logic of setting Cell's values and eliminating row/column candidates when a value is set.

Onto group logic.
First step would be to make a simple algorithm for generating possible group solutions. Ex. a 2-count group of "5+" would be either 1+4, or 2+3, or a 3-count group of "7+" would be 1+2+4, or 1+3+3.

  • since the number of parts to split a sum(or other action) is variable - have a List of possibles initialized to 1
  • the order is irrelevant so far, so a 1,3,2 solution values is same as 3,2,1
  • for addition, while the sum of parts is less than needed value
  • increment last most value by one, and check if it fits
  • when value has reached to highest board allowed values' transitions should follow like so: On a board size 4 when going from (1,2,4) next should be (1,3,3)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Preliminary algorithm/brainstorming.
A main Board class consisting of
  • Array of Cells
  • List of CellGroups
Array of Cells
  • each item in this 2D array would represent each cell of the game
  • has a solution value (or blank if one is not found yet)
  • has a list of possible solution values
List of CellGroups
  • A cell group represents a collection of cells that amount to the group's value based on the action described. ex. 5+ would mean that this Cell-Group individual values should add up to 5
  • a list of Cell references. ex. a particular CellGroup is including Cells[1,1] and [1,2]
  • this class would most likely include most of the game-solving logic.
Preliminary solution logic. I think I will employ something that resembles a "queue" here (//toexplain). Rough logic steps for first few hundred puzzle boards (that are granted to be very simple) in priority order from highest to lowest...
  • Cell's possible-solution contains only one item or Cell text value contains a "=" then set the Cell's solution value
  • Cell's possible-solution contains only one item from the Cell-Groups possible solution values then set the Cell's solution value
Hah! pretty simple to start out with, I think.
Keeping in mind the most general rule of this number game - one unique number per row and column no matter the cell-group rules -- the "queue" I mentioned will work something like this
  • Anytime a Cell's solution value is set, queue up a possible solution value eliminating method from all cells in the same row and column
  • From the bullet above any time a Cell is down to one possible solution value queue up a Cell's solution value to be set... naturally resolving in a recursive loop.


Originally uploaded by dima.barashkov
In white are the drawn-recognized characters from within a cell.

Now I am ready to actually write the game-solving logic with the cells, underlying groups and math functions that each group has to satisfy.

Everyday Genius

Originally uploaded by dima.barashkov
Progress: Cells are parsed out of the screenshot into their own images. Next up to convert them to b/w image and run the connected shapes algorithm (which has already proven to work). The results of the connected-shapes would be saved for each new unknown character to server as a baseline for recognition.
After that onto the actual game-solving logic.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Writing a solver for Everyday Genius : Square logic ( First things first -- image recognition of the game board to figure out what numbers are being used.
I am using a 3rd party connected components c# class that gives me a "connected component" in a list of vertical "spanned" lines that it appears on.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Oregon Coast

Oregon Coast
Originally uploaded by dima.barashkov
Had a good day yesterday hiking and picturing things :)

Pretty neat that this place is only 30 minutes away from my house.

Link to the set

Map Link

Friday, July 10, 2009


Originally uploaded by dima.barashkov

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Catching up on some flickr pictures, I tagged and put all of them into sets ( that was a lot of work). And now for the cleanup - upload all the ones I hadn't yet. I do have a few I hadn't uploaded yet dating back to January 2009... however, I'm only going to bother with most recent ones.

I've just uploaded the rest of the fireworks, now onto the humming bird and lizard left overs.. perhaps some of the kittens, except that Lola is now dead - which makes me sad.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New Baby!

Originally uploaded by dima.barashkov
A new baby is born on the farm. :)

~8:30pm EST. Probably on the coldest night of the week, though, it might be a tie to last night - 14 degrees is the low tonight.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Done uploading....

Originally uploaded by dima.barashkov
Okay, well I've uploaded ALL of the photos from the trip.

Three sets:

Jerome, Sedona, and Flagstaff

Scottsdale Arabian Horse show

And the rest of the other Arizona pics


Originally uploaded by dima.barashkov
Ok, so this is taken on a tripod with a 60mm Macro f/20, ISO200 with a remote.

Why does it look like total crap ?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Uploading more....

Originally uploaded by dima.barashkov
Uploading another batch of pics from trip, this concludes one of three full SD cards (~300 per). I think I kept about 50% of this first card, so maybe 300 more ? Seems rather high... haha.

I do believe I took more bracketed images, so that'll probably cut down the uploaded numbers some...

Link for uploads from today (whenever it finishes uploading)

Selective Coloring

Originally uploaded by dima.barashkov
My first attempt at selective coloring came out OK, I think.

This is one of the pictures I took at the Scottsdale Arabian Horse show in AZ. Whenever (and it might take a while) I go through and upload all of my pictures - I'll link up the set.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Gran Isle Jetty

Originally uploaded by dima.barashkov
I want to go here again :|

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

First Portrait

Originally uploaded by dima.barashkov
I got my lens today, somehow, someone found the truck and delivered the package... even though it was supposed to be held at their office for me to pick up. But everything worked out for the best, even with another UPS fail.

This is mainly a landscape, or inside-room type of lens. At 10mm it gets a huge angle of view and at 20mm it's somewhat not-distorted and can be used for people photography (not really portraits).

The picture you see here is what kind of 'comical' effect it can have on non-landscape stuff :)

I like it.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Story of a Lens

So, on Thursday (1/29) I purchased myself a Sigma 10-20mm lens. (Side note : for now, at least, I think this completes my lens set.)

As always, I get my stuff via Prime + and next day delivery! Idea here was to have this delivered on Friday to play around with at Grand Isle on Saturday. 

Lens ships, I check out the shipping and ... oh crap! "Signature Required". I twitter a few times, and sister volunteers to go sign for it - yay! I tell her to go sign for a UPS package, few minutes later she twitters back saying that the package is on a table in the living room.

I work all happy and excited for the rest of the day, have a nice drive home, stroll into the living room and spot my package ... go pick it up.... too light. I knew as soon as I picked up that there was no way that there was a lens in there. 

Forgot to tell sister that there was FedEx package coming as well as a UPS package, oops! I did tell her to sign for a UPS one though... sigh. So I start calling all kinds of UPS places to try and go pick it up that evening -- have to get it for Grand Isle! No luck, truck will be back for 10pm and the Distribution Center closes at 9. DAMN. 

Spend a day in Grand Isle taking pictures.

Come Monday, for whatever reason they cancelled my "Will Pick Up" or whatever it is called, and attempted to deliver again... tards. I call again to schedule a pick up. Same lady calls back saying to come by the facility between 7:30 and 9 - yay! Finally! Right ? No...

I get there at 7:59, surely late enough for them to figure stuff out... ? For the next 30 minutes four people look for the truck that supposed to be parked in there somewhere to get my package out... no luck. Are you kidding me ? Four people couldn't find the truck... how do people find it to drive (as I understand the drivers swap trucks all the time). 

Went home empty handed, no lens. They're supposed to call me to come get it tomorrow :|
